Gunpla Therapy EP. 12

Alright here we go yet another wacky seafood mobile suit! This is the High Grade Zock. It is a pretty easy one to put together and is suprisingly big compared to other kits in the same grade.

It sports some surprisingly good articulation despite having such a bulky and honestly awkward frame. You won't be able to do very much as far as posing goes but that is to be expected with something like this.

The claw hands are really nice and pretty fun to move around while building them. Not much to complain about however i do wish the yellow mono eye was just a tad bit brighter. It can be a bit hard to see unless you are up close.

Very color accurate and the only things i added out of the box was just the standard panel lining. If you like your mobile suits to be funky and impressively chunky i'd say go and get yourself this bad boy.


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