How to get into Jpop, a Beginners guide to the musical world of Japan

Hello and welcome. I would first like to state, that this “So called Guide” Was how I came to enjoy Japanese music, and should in no way be taken as “The only way.” This is just a few ideas that my help you one day.


So let us get started.

1.      Life starts at Anime

Ok, for most of us out there, our first ever taste of Jpop would have come in the form of an opening or ending to our first anime. (Some like DBZ may have had an English opening, and not the true opening.) But if you watched shows like Inuyasha, Ghost in the Shell, Full Metal Alchemist, or Eureka 7. Then you have come in contact with some pretty good Japanese bands. (The Pillows, Made up most of the FLCL sound track, and you can never go wrong with them.)

So you ask me. “Anime Openings and Endings, how would this get me in to Jpop?” Well that brings us on to step two.

2.      The world beyond Anime

Now I know this may sound weird, but Anime is not the driving force for the Japanese music scene, it only makes up a small percent. Now let’s look at those Anime openings, and Endings. We all had a song that we really liked. Maybe the music was good, or the singing just seemed to touch you in a way. Well you do a quick search for the artist, and then look around for any other songs they may have done. (This may also lead you to some other anime you may not have heard of, so two birds with one pretty sweet stone.)

3.      I don’t like their other songs.

Then tough cookie, enjoy it. Just kidding. Must anime’s pick that one song, because it is a very good song, or it fits the general idea of the show. But really keep looking, you may find a good one.

4.      Yea I don’t speak Japanese, so listening to the music is pointless.

This was my main issue at first. I did not speak Japanese, so the singing was pointless. Really for me, it’s just the way the words go with the music, which is true for most songs. They are catchy because they sound good. So main points here, if it sounds good to you, then forget about the whole, In Japanese part, and just enjoy.

5.      But I like my other English music to, I don’t want to give that up.

Then don’t. Add some of those Jpop songs you like to your playlist, and rock on. For me, Jpop and in the same sense Kpop, is now the music of my life. I still have songs in English I listen to, but they are older songs from before I got into Jpop. You don’t have to give up on something, just add it to your life and enjoy.

6.      Ok I found this band, and one of the members was in this JDrama or Sentai.

WELCOME TO A WHOLE NEW WORLD. Drink deeply and enjoy yourself. It’s always good to branch out.

7.      How do I tell my family about my new found musical likings?

Coming out of the closet as a Jpop fan is a hard thing. My mom broke down in tears. Then I had to tell her a few years later that I’m into Kpop… Talk about being written out of the will. On a true note, thy may not care; they may call you weird (Which they may already do, since you watch anime/Toku/Jdrama.) So most likely they will not care. So yea.

8.      So do you have any Bands for me to start out with?

No, what do I look like, the guy that listens to Jpop 24/7. Yea I have a few.

1: Scandal is a good group. All female rock group. Not the heavy stuff, nice and soft. A song I would recommend Pride. It’s the song that got me into the band… Plus those legs.

2: An Café. An older group, music is great. They did an opening for Darker Then Black (Kakusei Heroism ~ The Hero Without A Name~) this is the song that got me into the band, great song, but it is not my recommended song if you are trying to move away from the (Oh love that song, it was in that one anime.) type of listening. For them I would say Summer Drive (Post Bou) An Café (Bou era) Maple Gunman is a good one. If you really get into the group, then the whole Bou thing will come pretty easy to you.

3: JAM Project. Just listen to the Transformers Evo Opening, and Rescue Fire’s Opening, and you will see, enough said. Go listen now, the rest of the list can wait, your ears cannot.

(You back from having your ears made love to by the all might sound of JAM Project? What’s that you are to hype to even finish reading this? It can wait, go work off all that hyper mode and then get back here.)

4: Dir en Grey. For the heavy listeners out there, welcome to what is called JRock. They are among one of the heaviest out there. Dir is pretty good music to listen to, and the videos… Enjoy those, but be warned now, pretty Japanese/creepy/downright weird. It’s why we love them. Recommended Song, Saku. Recommended video to see if you want to watch more, Saku to. (If you had large bugs, then do not watch. If Gore is an issue, the this bands video’s may not be for you.)

5: Maximum the Hormone. Did two openings for Death Note. The good ones. Four member band, they all sing, female drummer (Is cute) Big guy that wear’s socks and flip flops, also gives the heavy vocals, Bass Play gives the backup heavy, along with gaming out, Lead singer gives that pop/Screaming/ and quick rapping-ish sound to the band. Now this is the only one that will have a from the anime Recommended song. Zetsubou Billy. Enjoy it, Love it, it caught jamming out to.

6: Maaya Sakamoto. Can’t be all hardcore, heavy hitters on this list. We need to bring it back to the pop. Maaya’s voice is nice, and rice, her Beauty is nice to. Now I lied a second ago, because her recommendation is from and Anime (Last Exile Fam the Silver Wing) The song is the opening, Buddy. Now this is one of those songs, that may not hook you when it first starts, but you have to hang on for the lead in to the second half of the song. Where her voice adds this, this… It’s hard to explain so I’ll give you the time stamps. (Listen to the song from the beginning. Then around 1:48 in, start to pay attention. This is when it starts to get good, and then it hits you at around 2:01-2:07.) You have to hear it to understand, sorry I could not explain it better.

7: The Pillows. This band to me is basic what made Fooly Cooly, the epic mini anime it is. And Fooly Cooly (FLCL) Is good stuff stand alone. The Pillows made up most of the sound track to the show. I’m not going to recommend a song; I’m going to recommend the band. Go listen; they are a good group, easy on the ears and what I would a good starter band, for anyone trying to get into Jpop as a whole.

8: L`Arc en Ciel. Another anime great right here, long, long list for them. But I’ll have to go with Butterfly’s sleep. The Bass in this is just great and the come on. (Please rise from the dead on Earth, With my last kiss.) The best line ever song. Solo after it is good.

9: Hyde. In the word of Male singers there is Gackt, and then there is Hyde. Season’s Call has a good moving sound, which will have you enjoying the smooth vocals that only Hyde can give. If JAM Project is like having your ear’s made love to… Then don’t listen to Hyde, because you may never go back. That is if Gackt is not around.

10: Gackt. What list is not complete without Gackt? More Men have man crushes on him than anyone else. You don’t have to be gay to think Gackt look goods. He is F-ing Gackt, people will just nod their heads at you, and they think of the Gackt poster in their closet. Anyways. Where do I even begin on recommending a song…? I can’t, so go find one to listen to, and don’t get mad at me if.

A: your girlfriend leaves you, because you are not Gackt

B: Your Boyfriend leaves you, because he is not Gackt, and is not manly enough for you anymore. (Guy is in or is pushing 50, so yea)


So this is just a quick list. If you need more then please ask I would love to share my love of Japanese music with you guys. I have not even touched on Tokusatsu music, or the best in anime music. But I think I’ll do a getting into Kpop next. So till next time. This has been Favine, and I hope you have a Jam-tastic day. (RESCUE FIRE…) I’ll let you jam out to the rest in you head.


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